Goings-on in SF — Week of July 10-16

Happy Sunday, Brionies!

And congratulations to San Francisco District Attorney Brooke Jenkins, who was sworn in to the post on Friday! In the midst of an ongoing fentanyl and meth epidemic that is claiming the lives of hundreds of our fellow citizens each year, an epidemic that many of our elected officials have, at best, attempted to downplay and, at worst, have actively facilitated, it is reassuring to hear these words from our new DA: “We also know that we have to end the existence of open air drug markets in our city... I will, from minute one, begin enforcing our drug crime laws.

Before we continue, and in case you missed it, we encourage you to read the Briones Society’s Statement on LGBTQ Inclusion in the Republican Party.

Stuff you should know

  • Have you had your fill of elections yet? Sorry, friends, we know there have already been three in the past 5 months, but there’s one more to go this year, the November general election. Below are some important items, trends, a developments to keep on your radar:

    • SF Guardians (the group behind the Board of Education recall) is asking for your views on whether to support the three replacement commissioners appointed in March.

    • Will Asian American voters support Jenkins this fall?

    • San Francisco just got its first contested public defender’s race in 20 years, with assistant district attorney and former deputy public defender Rebecca Young challenging incumbent Mano Raju for the post. To be honest, we’re not sure who’s worse

    • We won’t have the complete list of local measures on the ballot in November until August, but the state list is final, and includes a constitutional amendment guaranteeing abortion rights in California.

    • San Franciscans will have the opportunity this fall to pass legislation that will, finally, increase the supply of housing in our city. Read more here.

    • Those of us in District 4 will also have the opportunity to give the boot to Supervisor Gordon Mar, who stood against the majority of his constituents on perhaps the two most salient political questions this year: the recalls of three Board of Education commissioners, and of District Attorney Boudin. One of his challengers, Joel Engardio, is looking for volunteers to hand out flyers, distribute door hangers, and help with other visibility efforts. Contact his campaign here.

    • This is actually a pretty good rundown of voting patterns over the last three elections, from the Chronicle.

City Hall

  • Tuesday, July 12 at 2:00pm: Regularly scheduled meeting of the full Board of Supervisors (agenda and call-in instructions here)

    • A number of the items on this week’s agenda discuss proposed ordinances and charter amendments that supervisors wish to place on the November ballot – so, if you’re looking for a preview of the political battleground this fall, this a good meeting to listen in on.

    • Item 44 discusses Mayor Breed’s appointment of Debra Walker to the Police Commission. Walker would succeed Malia Cohen, who is running for state Controller (and who came in second – that’s right – in the June primary to Republican candidate Lanhee Chen). Walker, who currently serves on the city’s Arts Commission, is to be commended for her long commitment to public service, but other than being a donor to and political backer of the mayor, it’s not clear what, if any, experience or expertise she has in public safety, law enforcement, or the judicial system. Without further information, this seems like another unfortunate example of the City Hall mafia at work. 

Other items of interest


The Briones Society 


Goings-on in SF — August 2022


Our opinion piece on police funding in the Marina Times