Goings-on in SF — Week of July 3-9

Happy Tuesday, Brionies!

We hope you all enjoyed a wonderful 4th of July celebrating with family and friends. As previously noted, the Briones Society is launching a number of major policy, recruitment, and marketing initiatives this summer, so over the next few weeks this newsletter will focus on critical updates regarding items before the Board of Supervisors and its committees, as well as general Briones-related announcements.

This week, we want to bring your attention to a special meeting of the Rules Committee, convenening tomorrow, July 6, at 10am (agenda and call-in instructions here). During this meeting, the committee will consider two anti-housing charter amendments that would make San Francisco even less affordable than it already is. Unsurprisingly, these amendments are backed by the usual cast of millionaire homeowners on the board, who cynically cloak their NIMBYism in faux-gressive rhetoric to confuse voters at the polls. The first of these proposed amendments is Item 10 on the agenda, the “Affordable Housing Production Act.” Spoiler alert: this act will not result in the production of any affordable housing. The second is Item 11 on the agenda, “Additional Density and Height; Rent-Control.” True to form, its sponsor – District 3 Supervisor Aaron Peskin – is hawking this proposal by combining economic illiteracy with outright lies. Make your opposition to both of these charter amendments known by giving public comment at tomorrow’s meeting. You can also write a letter to your supervisor expressing your disapproval of the Affordable Housing Production Act here.

Finally, don’t miss our latest opinion piece, both online and in print in this month’s edition of the Marina Times. Briones co-founder Jay Donde discusses the need for more police officers on the street – a timely perspective given the mayor’s request for increased SFPD funding in her biennial budget. That budget is scheduled to be voted on by the full Board of Supervisors – many of whom, including Supervisors Preston, Ronen, and Walton, have advocated for defunding the police – before the end of this month. 


The Briones Society 


Our opinion piece on police funding in the Marina Times


Statement of the Briones Society on LGBTQ Inclusion in the Republican Party