Goings-on in SF — Week of June 19-25

Happy Monday, Brionies!

Yesterday, we celebrated Juneteenth, “America’s second independence day,” commemorating the arrival of the Emancipation Proclamation to Texas, thereby freeing the last remaining slaves in the Confederacy. In its first years as a holiday following the Civil War, Juneteenth became a joyous celebration of liberty and an opportunity for political organizing in Galveston, Texas and across the Southern states. May we strive to be worthy of its legacy.

And, of course, to all the dads out there, we hope you had a wonderful Fathers Day full of medium-rare steaks,  ice-cold brewskies, riding mowers, and spotless pairs of New Balance kicks. 

Stuff you should know

  • Thanks to the tireless efforts of our volunteers, we are steadily moving forward with draft  legislation in a number of key areas, including: public camping enforcement, mental health conservatorships, police staffing levels, and independent auditing and oversight of government services. If you’re interested in working with us on one or more of these important reforms, contact us and we’ll be in touch. No experience with legal drafting necessary – just an interest in public policy and a desire to make an impact!

  • At 6pm next Thursday, June 23, District 6 Supervisor Matt Dorsey will be hosting an event at Trinity Place Courtyard (details here). Matt is a smart, compassionate, and forward-thinking public servant. Having struggled with addiction in the past himself, he's already advocating for the sort of commonsense policies desperately needed in District 6 and too long ignored by our absentee Board of Supervisors. This November, he is running for a full term as District 6 Supervisor against his far left opponent, former Matt Haney chief of staff Honey Mahogany. This is an important opportunity for the Briones Society to show up in numbers to support a viable centrist candidate. If you plan to attend, please (a) RSVP to Matt's campaign at info@bedford-grove.com, and (b) contact us -- if there's enough interest among Brionies, we can gather before the event and walk over together. Note: You do not need to donate to attend.

City Hall

There are a number of important items on the docket this week, but we want to draw your attention (and activism) to two, in particular:

  • Wednesday, June 22, Thursday, June 23, and Friday, June 24 at 10am: Special meetings of the Budget and Appropriations Committee (agenda and call-in instructions here)

    • What elections are to politics, the month of June is to policy (in San Francisco, at least) – and the great thing is that you can have just as big of an impact on the latter as on the former! This is the time of year when San Francisco’s rolling biennial budget is finalized (read more about the full process here). Mayor Breed’s budget proposal is good in some ways – increased spending on SFPD recruitment and retention – and bad in others – nearly $14 billion in total city spending (we spend almost twice as much per capita as other large cities, in large part because we keep electing supervisors who say things like, “we doubled this contract without any knowledge [of the vendor’s] … complete, systemic failure”; no wonder we’re the second worst-run big city in America). On Friday, the Budget and Appropriations Committee will hear public comment in a marathon session before sending its budget amendments to the full Board of Supervisors for approval. Dial in, support increased police spending, and express your dismay at how the overall budget has more than doubled over the past decade with no discernible improvement in city services).

  • Wednesday, June 22 at 5pm: Special meeting of the Board of Education (agenda and broadcast information here)

    • The Board of Education is meeting on Wednesday to take a final vote on whether to return Lowell High School to merit-based admissions or continue for at least one more year the lottery system that is currently in place. We urge you to use this form to send a pre-written letter in support of a return to merit-based admissions. Advocates will also rally at 4pm in front of the BoE offices at 555 Franklin Street.

Other items of interest


The Briones Society


Statement of the Briones Society on LGBTQ Inclusion in the Republican Party


Goings-on in SF — Week of June 12-18