The Weekly Digest (April 2, 2023)

Happy Opening Day-week, Brionies! The Giants are expected to be terrible this season, so take solace in the fact that you’ll soon know all you need to about San Francisco politics this week and beyond:

City Hall

  • Monday, April 3 at 1:30pm: Regular Meeting of the Land Use and Transportation Committee (agenda and call-in instructions here)

    • Item 1 – Ordinance to extend restrictions on evicting or imposing late fees on residential tenants who could not pay rent during COVID-19 emergency. We are, apparently, still living under the COVID-19 emergency. It will, apparently, never end. 

    • Item 5 – Hearing to consider a report on repurposing commercial property for residential use. This is essentially a review of whether the City can convert many of its downtown commercial buildings into housing, which might be taken as a tacit admission that many downtown businesses will never recover. 

  • Tuesday, April 4 at 1:30pm: Regular Meeting of the Board of Supervisors (agenda and call-in instructions here)

    • Item 17 – An ordinance appropriating $25 million of General Fund General Reserves for street cleaning and graffiti abatement. It may behoove us to actually enforce laws prohibiting littering and graffiti, while we are at it.

  • Wednesday, April 5 at 10am: Regular Meeting of the Budget and Finance Committee (agenda and call-in instructions here)

    • Legislation Under the 30-Day Rule – Ordinance appropriating $50 million of General Fund General Reserves to the Human Resources Commission to establish an Office of Reparations. Only $50 million?!? Thrifty!

Happenings around town

What we’re reading

Quick hits

Moment of Zen 


The Weekly Digest (April 9, 2023)


The Weekly Digest (March 26, 2023)