The Weekly Digest (August 18, 2024)

Happy Sunday, Brionies!  Here’s what you need to know about local politics this week and beyond:

San Francisco City Hall

The Board of Supervisors continues its August recess. Crack open a cold one and enjoy your best month of local governance responsibly. 

Happenings around town

What we’re reading

  • On April 15, protestors shut down Golden Gate Bridge traffic, thereby ending the war in Gaza, persuading Hamas to release its hostages, and bringing about the most significant progress in Middle East peace since Jared Kushner engineered the Abraham Accords. Wait, no… [checks notes]… okay, we’re actually reading here that the protest achieved none of those things, but it did trap commuters for hours, leading a man with a brain tumor to miss a crucial appointment, a doctor to cancel a surgery, and a disabled child to be stuck on a school bus. Great success! District Attorney Brooke Jenkins has rightfully filed felony and misdemeanor charges against those responsible. Guess what? Crime is illegal again in San Francisco. 

  • San Francisco is finally cracking down on urban camping, says Mayor London Breed. Normies are hyped. Randy Shaw is skeptical she’ll follow through. “Journalists” are doing their best to portray sweeps as cruel. Los Angeles voters are going to get more of the same – having voted in a faux moderate as mayor, rather than her infinitely more competent challenger, because the latter once had an R next to his name. And Jennifer Friedenbach, queen bee of the Homeless Industrial Complex, is worried that if drug users get treatment she’ll lose customers.

  • Local ballots will be voluminous this November, including 10 statewide propositions and 15 San Francisco ones. The Briones Society has been selected as author of the Official Opponent Argument to San Francisco Proposition B. But, of course, we’ve got a lot of problems with other propositions, too. For example, Proposition C, a watered-down, poorly structured version of an idea we’ve been talking about for years.

    • We’ll have plenty more to say about these and other measures in our upcoming voter guide, including candidate endorsements like Bruce Lou for US Congress, Yvette Corkrean for State Senate, Matt Susk for D3 Supervisor, Autumn Hope Looijen for D5 Supervisor, Matt Boschetto and Stephen Martin Pinto for D7 Supervisor, Jose Morales and Oscar Flores for D11 Supervisor, and Min Chang for Board of Education.

What we’re listening to

The latest episode of the Briones Society Podcast just dropped! We interview Wilfred Reilly about his latest book, Lies My Liberal Teacher Told Me, wherein he debunks pernicious myths on the left ranging from Marxist malarky to postcolonial poppycock. 

Quick hits

Palate cleanser

On the one hand, there’s a lot of data showing autonomous cars are safer, cleaner, and more efficient than those driven by humans. On the other hand, this


The Weekly Digest (August 25, 2024)


The Weekly Digest (August 11, 2024)