The Weekly Digest (December 10, 2023)

Happy Hanukkah, Brionies!

Here’s what you need to know about San Francisco politics this week and beyond:

City Hall

  • Tuesday, December 12 at 2pm: Regular Meeting of the Board of Supervisors (agenda and call-in instructions here)

    • Item 1 – Formal policy discussion with the Mayor regarding public safety in District 1 commercial corridors. 

    • Item 7 – Ordinance to approve surveillance technology for fine arts museums in San Francisco.

    • Item 9 – Ordinance to approve Police Department use of automatic license plate readers.

  • Wednesday, December 13 at 10am: Meeting of the Budget and Finance Committee (agenda and call-in instructions here)

    • Items 7 - 16 – Resolutions authorizing ten separate $20 million contracts for technology goods and services.

Happenings around town

What we’re reading


The Weekly Digest (December 17, 2023)


The Weekly Digest (December 3, 2023)