The Weekly Digest (February 25, 2024)

Happy Sunday, Brionies!

Here’s what you need to know about San Francisco politics this week and beyond:

City Hall

  • Tuesday, February 27 at 2pm: Regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors (agenda and call-in instructions here)

    • Item 13 – Resolution approving a $8.6 million increase in a loan from the city to finance a 100% affordable, 63-unit multifamily rental housing development at 78 Haight Street. The city originally agreed to a $26.7 million loan for this project. Construction started in April 2022, but stopped a month later because of dangerous conditions at an adjacent property. The developer is now asking for an increase to cover additional construction work, an escalation in project cost due to an 18-month delay, increase in construction loan interest, and other expenses. The new not-to-exceed cost for this project is $35,306,233.

    • Item 15 – Ordinance waiving competitive bidding process for homeless service providers. A 2023 Civil Grand Jury investigation of contracting practices with community-based organizations that provide homelessness services found (1) inconsistent measurement of results-based outcomes in contracts and grants; (2) insufficient on-site program monitoring; and (3) inadequate tracking of homeless sub-populations. Moreover, grant recipients like Urban Alchemy have spotty track records. We submit that greater oversight of these expensive and critically important contracts is essential.

    • Item 35 – Resolution supporting California State Senate Bill No. 915, introduced by Senator Dave Cortese, which would allow each local government to set up its own rules for self-driving vehicles. As Supervisors Peskin, Chan, Ronen, and Mandelman consider ways to stymie autonomous vehicle technology, this piece offers a grim reminder that 40,000 people die annually in this country as a result of motor vehicle collisions, and 90% of them are caused by human error. Oh, and the Police Commission wants to bar cops from making the kind of traffic stops that promote safe driving (by humans). 

Action items

Happenings around town

What we’re reading


The Weekly Digest (March 3, 2024)


The Weekly Digest (February 18, 2024)