The Weekly Digest (January 7, 2024)

Happy Sunday, and Happy New Year, Brionies!

Here’s what you need to know about San Francisco politics this week and beyond:

Briones Society News:

  • Are you tired of a local Republican Party that can’t get a single candidate elected, that you hardly ever hear from, and that’s mired in personal disputes and niche controversies? So are we! That’s why we’re running a slate of candidates for the Republican County Central Committee. We will revitalize the party to unite local conservatives and attract mods and independents. If you’re a Republican, we hope to earn your vote! If you’re a “no party preference” voter, register as a Republican to vote for our slate. Election day is March 5, and ballots are going out in early February.

  • Here’s how: check your voter registration status here. Click on “Check Your Registration Status.” Select “Register to Vote Now” (even if you’re already registered) to change party affiliation.

  • Join us! You can volunteer or donate to support our campaign. 

  • We’re proud to announce our first endorsements: 

City Hall

  • Tuesday, January 9 at 2pm: Regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors (agenda and call-in instructions here)

    • Item 1 – Ordinance to retroactively accept $15 million from a state program to combat organized retail and motor vehicle accessory (catalytic converter) theft. 

    • Items 10 through 19 - Resolutions authorizing the City to enter into contracts for “as-needed technology goods and services”; each contract costs $20 million over five years. 

    • Item 26 - Resolution calling for a sustained ceasefire in Gaza, humanitarian aid, release of hostages, and condemning antisemitic, anti-Palestinian, and Islamophobic rhetoric and attacks.

Action items

  • So important, we’ll say it twice: volunteer and/or donate to support the Briones Society!

Happenings around town

What we’re reading

  • Improving public safety is a core pillar of the Briones platform, so we are gladdened by recent news showing that car break-ins dropped during the holiday season. Of course, everyone wants to claim credit for the modest turnaround, but if you look at Item 1 on the Board of Supervisors agenda above, you’ll hit on one major reason: the state has been sending us money to deal with organized theft rings and catalytic converter theft. SFPD has taken advantage of the grant to bump up patrols, and it seems to be having an effect. Imagine that: support law enforcement, and law enforcement improves! 

  • Also hitting the news is a study conducted by a Stanford sociology professor (yeah, we know, but stay with us) regarding Urban Alchemy (UA) and its impact on the Tenderloin. UA, a non-profit staffed with former convicts, isn’t without controversy. Critics note that UA staff can be heavy-handed and the program is expensive. UA has also had its share of bad apples. But according to the study, overall crime rates at locations served by UA are down 52%, while drug crimes plunged 80%. Of course, a better solution would be to have a police force commensurate with the size of our city, and it’s clear UA needs to be monitored, but the decrease in criminal activity is welcome nonetheless.

  • Last year, the state of California told San Francisco that it needed to build more housing – a lot more. So naturally, we just wrapped up the worst year for building homes in recent memory. Never fear! Two of our most inept supervisors have come up with a plan: sue the state for being mean.

Quick hits


The Weekly Digest (January 14, 2024)


The Weekly Digest (December 17, 2023)