The Weekly Digest (July 7, 2024)

Happy Sunday, Brionies! 

Here’s what you need to know about San Francisco politics this week and beyond:

City Hall

  • Monday, July 8 at 10am: Regular meeting of the Rules Committee (agenda here):

    • Item 1 – Further discussion of a proposed measure to establish a new elected position: Director of the Department of Police Accountability. This proposal was initially considered by the Rules Committee last month. At that hearing, police oversight expert Barbara Attard spoke against the measure: “It makes no sense … it further politicizes an office that should not be political. Choosing a director for a position like that should be a nationwide search, and it shouldn’t be a political game.” 

    • Item 2 – Proposal by Supervisors Aaron Peskin, Asha Safai, and Hillary Ronen to place a charter amendment on the November ballot that would establish the position of Inspector General in the Controller’s Office. The Ethics Commission is skeptical: “We share the desire to prevent and detect fraud, waste, abuse, and misconduct in City government. However, as drafted, some of the responsibilities delegated to the proposed Inspector General risk duplicating work already being undertaken by other City agencies, including the District Attorney, the City Attorney, and the Ethics Commission. This would lead to redundancy, confusion of responsibilities, and the inefficient use of taxpayer resources at a time when the City is facing significant financial challenges.” Redundancy and inefficiency? We’ve got enough of that already, thanks.

  • Tuesday, July 9 at 2pm: Regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors (agenda here):

    • Mayor Breed makes her monthly appearance before the board. 

    • Item 1 – Supervisor Dean Preston has asked Mayor Breed to address the subject of rent control.

    • Item 31 – Resolution approving proposed expenditures from the Homelessness and Supportive Housing Fund of $23,105,488 in fiscal year 2024-25 and $23,783,780 in fiscal year 2025-26. According to the board packet, “since the beginning of the Housing First Program in May 2004, a total of 6,029 homeless and formerly homeless CAAP clients have been placed into Permanent Supportive Housing (data through March 31, 2024).” The board packet fails to mention that the overall number of homeless individuals in San Francisco went up by 33% over that same period (6,248 in 2005 vs. 8,323 in 2024). 

    • Item 39 – Resolution sponsored by Supervisor Connie Chan declaring July 15, 2024, as Linda Maria Ronstadt Day in the City and County of San Francisco in recognition of her iconic catalog of work, her commitment to social justice, and her 78th birthday. NGL, you’re pretty good, Linda.

Happenings around town

Quick hits


The Weekly Digest (July 14, 2024)


The Weekly Digest (June 30, 2024)