The Weekly Digest (June 11, 2023)

Happy Sunday, Brionies! Here’s what you need to know about San Francisco politics this week and beyond:

City Hall

  • Tuesday, June 13 at 2pm: Regular Meeting of the Board of Supervisors (agenda and call-in instructions here)

    • Item 14 – On May 7, 2021, a San Francisco police officer accidentally shot Xavier Pittman in the hand. The officer was attempting to arrest Mr. Pittman after he had allegedly been involved in a string of auto burglaries throughout the city. The Board will consider settling a lawsuit Mr. Pittman filed for roughly $200 thousand. If Mr. Pittman was indeed responsible for the auto burglaries, the settlement should be garnished for restitution to his victims. Crime should not pay in San Francisco.  

    • Item 32 – The Board will vote one last time in the ongoing saga over including the Castro Theatre’s seats in that venue’s historic landmark designation (yes, you read that right). Why are we even having a debate over whether the seats, which were installed in 2001, should be designated as “historic?” Because the Castro Theatre’s new owner, Another Planet Entertainment, needs to be able to remove some of the seats in order to turn the venue into a modern entertainment space. Unfortunately, even at a time when businesses are fleeing San Francisco (and taking the City’s tax base with them), some members of the Board still believe that the proper role of government is shameless extortion. Hence, the familiar two-step from Supervisors Peskin, Chan, Preston, and Walton: “That’s a nice business model you’ve got there. Would be a shame if someone regulated it into bankruptcy. Perhaps you’d like to make a donation to one of my pet causes/nonprofits/community projects?” 

    • Item 39 – The Board will consider an ordinance declaring the parrot to be the official animal of San Francisco. Alas, chalk up another win for the shadowy parrot lobby (aka Big Parrot). It is now clear that their agents of influence have infiltrated all levels of municipal government.

Happenings around town

What we’re reading

Palate cleanser


The Weekly Digest (June 18, 2023)


The Weekly Digest (June 4, 2023)