The Weekly Digest (January 22, 2023)
Bill Jackson Bill Jackson

The Weekly Digest (January 22, 2023)

In this edition: the Police Commission bans pretextual stops, half of SF Unified graduates aren’t ready for college, and a proposal to spend hundreds of millions of dollars on reparations.

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The Weekly Digest (January 8, 2023)
Bill Jackson Bill Jackson

The Weekly Digest (January 8, 2023)

In this edition: The city’s plan to shelter the homeless, a judge’s ruling that could complicate those plans, and an important vote coming up at the Board of Supervisors.

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The Weekly Digest (December 11, 2022)
Bill Jackson Bill Jackson

The Weekly Digest (December 11, 2022)

In this edition: Dirty tricks at the Police Commission, plans for 12 new safe injection sites, and why “Free Muni” would gut public transportation.

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Rediscovering the spirit of San Francisco Republicans
Bill Jackson Bill Jackson

Rediscovering the spirit of San Francisco Republicans

Last week, San Francisco almost celebrated a plan to construct a single new toilet in the Noe Valley Town Square that was projected to cost $1.7 million and take three years — about the same time it took to build two of the most iconic bridges in the world. Our city needs a new approach to getting things done.

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Goings-on in SF — October 2022
Bill Jackson Bill Jackson

Goings-on in SF — October 2022

Our monthly digest of political goings-on in San Francisco. In this edition: a preview of the city’s fourth(!) election of 2022, and a look ahead to 2024.

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Are we just stingy Republicans?
Bill Jackson Bill Jackson

Are we just stingy Republicans?

We just released our November 2022 voter guide, and you may have noticed that we didn’t support any of the funding measures for SFUSD, City College, MUNI, or the library system (Propositions F, G, L, and O). So, are we just cranky Republicans that hate any and all government spending?

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How to really fix San Francisco’s government
Bill Jackson Bill Jackson

How to really fix San Francisco’s government

San Francisco’s budget has grown at two times the rate of inflation over the last 20 years. Have city services gotten two times better? In this opinion piece for SFGate, we explain why our government is broken — and how to fix it.

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Goings-on in SF — August 2022
Bill Jackson Bill Jackson

Goings-on in SF — August 2022

Our monthly digest of political goings-on in San Francisco. In this edition: all you ever wanted to know about permanent supportive housing, but were afraid to ask.

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Our opinion piece on police funding in the Marina Times
Bill Jackson Bill Jackson

Our opinion piece on police funding in the Marina Times

“San Francisco is an over-policed city, sending phalanxes of aggressive officers into communities where cops are deeply unpopular to tackle problems they are ill-equipped to resolve.” It’s a compelling narrative, especially in a region that is famously nonconfrontational: If only we took a more hands-off approach to law enforcement, we’d have less crime and healthier communities. The only problem? None of it is true.

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